Livingstone Adventist Academy
Stuff You Can Do @ Home
The Oregon Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist has a lot of resources for you and your family. This the following link provides ideas for you and your family from Cooking to Gardening. Check is out:
Personal Prevention Habits to Reduce the Spread of the Coronavirus:
Wash hands often with soap and water. If not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands
Avoid close contact with people who are sick
Stay home while you are sick and avoid close contact with others
Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw it away. If you don’t have a tissue, cough into your elbow
Clean and disinfect objects and surfaces that you frequently touch
Boost your immunity through everyday healthy habits
Trust in God
You or someone you know may qualify for SNAP...
155,000 Oregonians work in restaurants and bars. Thousands of others work in stores and businesses that are temporarily closing. Public structures like SNAP are here for these critical moments. SNAP offers nutrition assistance to eligible individuals and families. You can learn more on the Oregon Department of Human Services website about whether you’re eligible for SNAP and apply online to help keep food on the table.
How to support your child:
Elementary Age-appropriate explanation of Covid-19:
Exercises to Support an Anxious Child:
Take a walk outside together, see if you can match the inhale and exhale of
your breathing with your steps.
Sing together, especially songs that are filled with gratitude and hope.
Square Breath
-Breathe in, to the count of four.
-Hold the breath for four seconds.
-Breathe out to the count of four.
-Wait for four seconds before taking in your next breath.
To help your child keep track, show them how to draw a square in the air with their finger, taking four seconds on each side.
Balancing on One Foot
Tell your child to focus her gaze slightly below eye level.
Tell her to stand on one leg and keep her gaze fixed on that focal point.
Challenge her to see how long she can stand on one leg like this.
Tell her to try the other leg.
Challenge him/her to stay focused while you engage him/her in conversation, ask her to sing a song, or tell her to close her eyes.
Use meal time to practice the five senses, focus on sense at a time
Read comforting Bible verses together
Pray together
Check out this app for providing pauses during the day to reconnect with our creator: