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Dear Livingstone Families,

All indications from Governor Kate Brown, Oregon Department of Education and Oregon Health Authority indicate that Oregon schools are moving to re-opening. The wait is over, we made it!


Livingstone Adventist Academy is planning to begin in-person instruction the first day of our second semester, which is Jan. 27. We will continue to offer Comprehensive Distance Learning only for those students who are medically at-risk, sick, quarantined, or families that are concerned of

possible Covid-19 risk to their child or other family members in their household. All other students and their families should plan to have their child(ren) attending school regularly beginning Jan. 27th. We are asking that if you are considering keeping your child at home for distance learning under the reasons covered that you first contact the school office and receive verbal approval to do so. Generally, we have noted that students who are attending school in person are experiencing more success.

All Covid-19 safety measures published by Oregon Department of Education and Oregon Health Authority such as, keeping students at home when they are sick, quarantining students if they are experiencing primary Covid-19 symptoms or have been in close contact with someone with Covid-19, health screening students and staff members when they arrive on campus, washing hands frequently, wearing a mask, distancing, smaller group or cohort sizes, and cleanings will remain in place.


Since we will continue to offer Comprehensive Distance Learning we will move to a modified in-person schedule whereby all Elementary and High School students will begin school at 8:30 am. Elementary and High School students will continue to enter through the two separate entrances they have been using. Morning health screenings will continue. We ask that students not arrive or enter

the building earlier than 15 minutes before school starts as we will not be operating morning or afternoon day care at this time. We ask that students be picked up promptly after school and that high school students who are driving leave promptly after their last class to avoid distancing or cohort mixing issues.


Elementary (pre-k-8th grades) schedule will be 8:30 a.m.-2:15 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 8:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. on Fridays.

High School second semester schedules will be sent to high school students through their school email addresses by the end of this week. We will begin offering afternoon electives to High School students starting Jan. 27. High school hours will be:


  • Monday-Thursday; 8:30 a.m.-2:35 p.m. (no elective)

  • Monday-Thursday; 8:30 a.m.-3:25 p.m. (if enrolled in an elective)

  • Friday; 8:30 a.m.-12:25 p.m. (no elective)

  • Friday; 8:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. (if enrolled in an elective)


We are also very excited to announce that our very own Chef, Ben McCormick will be re-joining us and begin serving simple hot lunches starting Jan. 27. Price for hot lunches will remain the same as last year at $3.50. If you wish to have your child begin receiving hot lunch, please come by the school office to make arrangements with Pam Naylor, Office Manager.

We are also hearing the positive news that Centers for Disease Control in communication with local health authorities have increased eligibility, starting Jan. 23, to receive a voluntary Covid-19 vaccination. School employees, those 65 or older or those 18 or older with medical conditions that put them at medically at-risk are to be included in this group. More information is sure to come through local news feeds on this, but we are pleased to see this news align with schools re-opening.

We look forward to seeing most all of our students return to an increased in-person schedule Jan. 27 and the expanding opportunities this will afford our students and their families. We feel blessed at LAA to have large rooms to spread our students out in. We hear that a return to near full-time school is simply not possible for other large schools in our area. Therefore, we ask that you let other families know about the in-person opportunity here at LAA. They may have students who find virtual or hybrid learning a struggle. We ask you to encourage them to contact Livingstone Adventist Academy considering the Academy to be their new school.

Praise the Lord for his many blessings!


Mr. Personius

Principal, Livingstone Adventist Academy






Dear Livingstone Parents,


I have some good news to share with our families that many of you may have already heard. Governor Brown announced December 23, that she is expressing hope for all Oregon schools to begin transitioning to in-person instruction by mid-February. Jan 1st, policy shifts throughout the state occurred moving mandatory health metrics for returning to in-person instruction to advisory recommendations only. In this announcement, Governor Brown explained, “The long-term benefits of both heading off an emerging mental health crisis for our children and youth, and addressing the academic challenges that are becoming prevalent for far too many students in the absence of in-person learning, now far outweigh the short-term risk.”


This change will mean that decisions on how to operate schools have shifted to be more of a decision process for each local private school or public school district. With that said, all Covid-19 safety practices that have been established such as maintaining distancing, frequent handwashing, wearing masks, maintaining smaller cohort sizes etc. will remain in place.


Oregon Department of Education is still in the process of providing more updated guidance and requirements with further details to follow. We remain in close contact with our Oregon Conference education leaders involving them in collaboration, planning and keeping them apprised of our local developments and movements.


LAA staff is currently in the process of working on new schedules and putting things in place to ensure that a safe, thoughtful and orderly transition back to school occurs within the near future. We do this planning knowing from past experience that unforeseen issues or things can arise that could change our course. Further communications will be coming soon as to when this transition back to in-person instruction will occur and what it will look like.


Once students are able to transition to in-person learning, we plan that Comprehensive Distance Learning will continue as an option for those few students who are at a greater health risk, students whom parents remain concerned for the health and safety of their child or other family members in their household or for students who are sick or are quarantined.


We are excited about the possibility of moving towards increased in-person instruction for all of our students and look forward to sharing more about these plans in the coming days.


Happy New Year!


Mr. Personius

Principal, Livingstone Adventist Academy





Dear Livingstone Parents,


It can be confusing to try to stay on top of all the change, guidelines, recommendations, requirements and orders regarding Covid-19.  As our families move towards Thanksgiving holiday, we want to share with you some information that may have an impact on your plans.


Recently, Governor of Oregon, Kate Brown issued a two-week freeze or order on activities starting Wednesday, Nov. 18 through Dec. 2.  While this order is not intended to directly affect or change protocols for childcare, or K-12 schools, it does have an impact specifically for our after-school high school students involved in indoor conditioning and training sessions and for those families who may be planning non-essential travel out-of-state during the two-week freeze with their children. 


The following guidelines are taken from Oregon Department of Education and Oregon Health Authority guidance regarding this current freeze:

During this two-week freeze (Nov. 18 – Dec. 2), people in Oregon are encouraged to stay home or in their region and avoid non-essential travel to other states or countries.  Non-essential travel includes tourism and recreational travel.  Essential travel includes:  work and study, critical infrastructure support, economic services and supply chains, health and immediate medical care, safety and security.  Anyone who returns to Oregon or enters the state because of non-essential travel is urged to quarantine for 14 days after arrival and to limit their interactions with people they live with.


Oregon State Athletics Association guidelines regarding this two-week freeze state:  High School students or coaches involved in after school sports training/conditioning that travel out of Oregon State during the two-week freeze for recreational purposes or as part of an athletic traveling team must self-quarantine for 14 days upon return to Oregon or resuming sports training.


Oregon Department of Education guidelines state: “Everyone in Oregon is subject to the self-quarantine requirement. It is expected that all students, staff, and community members comply with these requirements. We have a duty of care to one another to do all we can to minimize the spread of COVID-19. Doing so will save lives.”


During this two-week freeze, schools have been directed to suspend all indoor K-12 conditioning or training sessions.   Outdoor training/conditioning is still allowed provided health checks, masks, distancing and hygiene requirements remain in place.  Limited in-person instruction is not affected by this order and will continue unchanged, along with offering comprehensive distance learning.


While Covid-19 continues to keep us busy with changes, I  pray that you are able to celebrate Thanksgiving with your immediate family and that you are able to have a restful and happy Thanksgiving!


George Personius,

Principal, Livingstone Adventist Academy


Livingstone Adventist Academy - Inspires its students to know God, seek wisdom, and to serve others.






Dear Livingstone Families,


It feels good to finally getting back to getting into a routine following the fires and smoke.


This week and next our students will be busy working their way through the triannual MAPS growth assessment. This assessment will provide us a solid measuring stick at the beginning of the school year so that when we can accurately measure each student’s growth over the year.


Thursday, Oct. 1 at 6:30 p.m. we will be holding LAA’s Virtual Open House, parents should receive an invitation from your child’s teacher to join in the Zoom to hear what is happening at Livingstone as well as what is happening in your child’s class(es). We hope you all can join us.


As we move into the fall season and cooler weather, we know to expect an increase in some students becoming ill. During normal times, students would simply remain at home during their time of illness and symptoms and return 24 hours after their fever was gone. Sometimes we would see a student or two returning with a sniffle or a cough that was resolving and did not appear contagious or serious.


This year, in light of the pandemic, the following are guidelines and scenarios that should serve as a guide as to what to do if your child is sick.


Primary and other associated symptoms of Covid-19:


Cough, fever, chills, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing. Muscle pain, headache, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting nasal congestion, and runny nose.


If you Child becomes ill:


  • If your child is feeling ill, please keep them home and notify our office.


  • Anytime a student has a fever (99 degrees or greater), they should remain at home until at least 24 hours after the fever is gone.


  • If your child is not displaying any primary or associated Covid-19 symptoms they may return to school when they are well, and they have not had any fever for a minimum of 24 hours (without the use of fever reducing medications).


  • If your child is experiencing primary or associated symptoms of Covid-19 they must remain at home and are advised to receive testing for Covid-19. Covid-19 testing can be sought through Marion County Health Department, your physician/local health provider, or by contacting local urgent care facilities in the areas. Covid-19 rapid testing results are available in our area and results can be obtained after within a matter of minutes following the test. Anytime students are experiencing primary symptoms of Covid-19, please inform our school office so we can be made aware.


If your child is ill with any of the Primary Symptoms of Covid-19, but does not get tested:


  • If your child is experiencing primary Covid-19 symptoms and you do not seek out a physician or Covid-19 testing, please inform the school immediately so that we can be made aware and contact others in their cohort and collaborate with local health authorities. Your child must then remain out of school for a minimum of 10 days from the onset of symptoms, improved symptoms and no fever for 24 hours without fever reducing medications.


Tests Negative: 


  • If Covid-19 testing results are negative and your child was not in close contact with someone with Covid19 in the last 14 days, they can return to school when they are well, and 24 hours after fever is gone (without fever reducing medications). Please inform the school of test results as soon as possible and prior to student returning. 


  • If an ill student has a negative Covid-19 test and they were in close contact with someone with a confirmed Covid-19 case, they should be sent home. Parents should notify school office so they can be made aware, communicate to other cohort members and document date. Even though the Covid-19 test was negative, the ill person is still considered a “presumptive case” because of close contact. This ill student should isolate at home for 10 days since first symptoms appeared and until 24 hours after fever is resolved without fever reducing medication.


Tests Positive:


  • If your child tests positive for Covid-19 symptoms, please inform the school office immediately so that we can be aware, inform others in their cohort and in collaboration with local health authorities determine how we will respond (contacting families or going moving to distance learning for their cohort or the overall school). Student is to remain home for a minimum of 10 days from onset of symptoms and a minimum of 24 hours after symptoms and fever are gone (without fever reducing medication). If siblings were exposed they must remain home in quarantine for minimum of 14 days. If multiple household members become ill, length of quarantine may be greater than 14 days if the exposed person cannot avoid continued close contact.


Exposed to confirmed Covid-19 case:


If your child and/or their siblings has been exposed to someone in or outside their household with confirmed Covid-19, but they are not showing symptoms they should remain quarantined at home for at least 14 days after date of exposure, notify our school office to record the date. If your child becomes ill during quarantine, contact the school again so they can be made aware and record the date. And that student should remain out a minimum of 10 days from symptom onset, symptoms are improved and no fever for 24 hours (with no fever reducing medication). If siblings were not exposed to confirmed Covid-19, they can continue with school as long as exposed sibling remains healthy.


While I did hesitate to share all of this in a newsletter, I believe it is worthy to do so in order for us to be aware and provide everyone information to give all of us the best chance of staying healthy. The good news is that if your child is one that needs to stay out for 10 days-2 weeks, we offer comprehensive distance learning where they can still jump in on-line and stay up with their class when they are well enough to do so.


If you wish for further information regarding Covid or considering different scenarios, please refer to LAA’s blueprint, or communicable disease management plan found on our school website, visit Oregon Department of Education’s website or call our school office.




Mr. Personius

Principal, Livingstone Adventist Academy









Dear Livingstone Families,


As we enter into the 2020-21 school year, the question on everyone’s mind may be, are we starting school with in-person or virtual school?  For the last several weeks we have been eagerly viewing the state of Oregon and local Marion County Covid-19 numbers.  We have seen what appears to be a trend of daily case numbers in Marion coming down from where they were two weeks ago, however at this point it is clear that for at least the beginning weeks of school, Livingstone students will be starting on a reduced in-person instruction schedule (Except Pre-school and Kindergarten).  We remain cautiously optimistic that if county Covid-19 case numbers are indeed in a downward trend, we will be able to move to full-time in-person instruction sooner than later.


Some positive changes of where we stand today as opposed to when we left in June 2020:


1.      Our Pre-school and Kindergarten students are under a different set of guidelines that will allow them to come to school for in-person learning.


2.      We are no longer on a stay-at-home or shelter order as we were before, so we are allowed to provide reduced in-person instruction to students in groups of up to 10 students in each class for elementary and middle school students and a rotating in-person schedule for high school students.  During this reduced in-person Instruction period, instruction for grades 1-12 will be supplemented by on-line distance learning.


3.      K-3rd grades are under less stringent metrics which should allow them to attend in-person sooner than other grades when we see our Covid-19 cases drop in our county.


4.      Last year, we shifted to distance learning in the span of one weekend.  This year our teachers will have had time to plan and think about ways to improve on distance learning. 


5.      This year, we have guidelines in place and expect to return to in-person instruction as soon as state and local numbers allow. 


6.      We know that there may be some who will be hesitant to send their children back to school during this pandemic or unable to provide transportation for their children for reduced in-person instruction.  Therefore, for those families, we are prepared to provide distance learning for your child as long as necessary for this school year.


You will be hearing in the next few days from your child’s teacher(s) regarding class schedules, and first of the year events.  I am happy to report to our middle school and high school athletes, that sports seasons have not been cancelled but rather shifted to later in the school year.  Pre-season training, and practices are now approved and we anticipate those to begin soon.


As we start this school year we are excited that we can start with some in-person instruction for our students on campus.  At this point we are viewing this as a temporary stepping stone to full in-person instruction.  We want you to know that we do take your child’s safety and well-being extremely seriously and have spent the entire summer planning ways to improve safety.  While the pandemic is a challenge, we want to make sure that this school year will be a year of growth and opportunity for your child.  We know that God’s hand is working mightily at Livingstone and we can’t wait to see what great work He has in store for your child this year.


If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out.  It is our privilege to serve you and your child.






George Personius,

Principal, Livingstone Adventist Academy


Livingstone Adventist Academy - Inspires its students to know God, seek wisdom, and to serve others.








To Know God, Seek Wisdom and to Serve Others


It has been a busy summer for Livingstone Adventist Academy administration as we continue to plan for in-school instruction for the 2020-21 school year.  Despite setbacks of increased Covid-19 cases in Marion county and Oregon State, we know that God is in control and has us in the palm of his hand.   The school’s mission to know God, seek wisdom and to serve others remains our focus as we move forward in planning for the new school year.  We are getting excited as we see the new school year approaching and believe we are uniquely situated to offer daily instruction, in-person, when possible to all students due to our large building and small class populations.    Our student’s safety remains our top priority as we work towards re-opening when possible.  The following are some in-person school changes we can expect.


Physical Distancing


All daily activities and instruction will support physical distancing.  Livingstone is blessed and uniquely positioned to have large physical classrooms, wide hallways and open spaces with relatively small numbers of students which will make it easier to space students out and allow them 6 feet of distance.   Students will receive instruction on the importance of maintaining physical distance from others, hallways floors will be marked to designate traffic flow and help remind individuals to space apart during transition times.  Student desks will be organized to provide a healthy distance between students.   Elementary classroom, cafeteria, and recess schedules will be staggered to allow for students to maintain healthy distancing throughout the building.  High school schedules will be set to decrease daily transitions.


Hand Hygiene


There will be increased emphasis on handwashing and sanitizing.  Students will receive instruction on when to wash hands or sanitize their hands such as:   before/after meals, before/after using playground equipment, after bathroom use and anytime they are using a classroom used by other cohorts.  Students will also be instructed as to how to properly wash their hands with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds. Posters will be up in each classroom and bathroom to help remind them of proper handwashing.


Cohorts and Hand Hygiene


A key strategy in minimizing the spread of virus is establishing stable cohort groups that stay and travel together.  The more we can reduce mixing of groups/cohorts the easier it will be to reduce school-wide disruptions to in-person learning.   Therefore, natural cohorts will be established in elementary school by making each classroom a cohort.  In the high school, cohorts would be established by grade level.  When students arrive to school we ask that our elementary students who arrive more than 15 minutes before the start of school enter into our Kids Zone doorway as they normally would.  If elementary students arrive less than fifteen minutes before school begins or late to school they would enter the front door as normal.  For high school students we ask that they do not arrive more than 15 minutes before class, to park in the chapel parking lot, and enter through the western door near the elementary music room.  High school students, should directly report to their first period class.  Once school has started, the high school side entrance door will be locked to secure the school and high school students would then enter through the front door.  


Face Coverings


The State of Oregon now requires all visitors, staff and students to wear face coverings from Kindergarten through 12th grade when on school campus.  Face coverings can include cloth, paper or disposable masks that cover the nose and mouth.   Face shields qualify as a face covering as long as it covers a portion of the forehead, extends below the chin and wraps around the sides of the face.  There are many new and interesting styles of masks and shields some of which are quite comfortable that may help your child adapt to wearing face coverings at school.


Increased Importance in Cleaning, Disinfection and Proper Ventilation


Frequently touched surfaces such as: door handles, sink handles, and playground equipment, will be cleaned/sanitized multiple times of the day.  Touch surfaces will be sanitized between cohort usage.  Cleaning checklists have been established to ensure areas that were used will be cleaned at least daily.  Livingstone enjoys state-of-the-art HVAC systems that include CO2 sensors in each classroom that help insure proper fresh air circulation throughout the day.  This system will be monitored by maintenance and filters will be changed on a frequent and routine basis. Teachers will be also encouraged, as part of their new routine, to increase students’ ability to get outside to enjoy fresh air.    


Entry Screening and Staying Home When Sick


One of the more important aspects of protecting individuals from the Covid-19 virus is to ensure that we reduce the number of individuals coming into our school building and keeping those that are sick, at home.   We ask that students that are feeling ill, remain home.  We ask that those that enter or visit the building do so for essential business only.   Before each day of school, LAA will have a staff member stationed outside elementary and high school entrances starting 15 minutes before school starts to take temperatures, and ask individuals if they are experiencing any symptoms of illness.  Elementary students entering Kids Zone earlier than 15 minutes before school starts will be screened as they enter.   Those that enter the building after school starts will be screened at the front desk.   If students are running a fever or are feeling sick, parents will be contacted to come pick them up to take them home. Students are to remain at home a minimum of 24 hours after a fever has broken without the use of fever reducing medications and if they are demonstrating symptoms of Covid-19, they are encouraged to be tested and must remain out for at least 10 days from onset of symptoms, until symptoms are improving and 24 hours after the fever has broken.    


Maintaining Joy and Fun in Learning Together


With all the seriousness that surrounds preparing our school to be a safe/clean learning environment, we at LAA know we cannot lose sight that our kids have been impacted by this pandemic through increased isolation, loss of social activities/events, distancing, wearing face masks and hearing the message repeatedly to be careful about getting or spreading germs.  LAA staff are committed to making sure to take time to keep the fun and joy in our daily school activities and to celebrate the many blessings God has provided us.


First Day of School


The first day of school has been re-scheduled for September 1 for several reasons:1) to allow a bit more training and preparation time for our teachers. 2)  it will allow one more week to see if our State/County Covid-19 test positivity and case numbers get us closer to in-person instruction and 3) it would give us a chance of having more in-person instruction time later in the school year should the overall Covid-19 picture improve. High School registration and new to LAA high school student orientation is scheduled for August 31st.   




Returning LAA student enrollment remains high.  We have also received over 30 new student applications. With also continue to see steady inquiries for information or tours about LAA from folks new to LAA.    We understand and respect any decisions to un-enroll your child due to current circumstances but want you to know that if you are un-enrolling due to loss of finances during these hard times, Covid-19 tuition scholarships are available through our conference.  Please contact LAA Business Manager, Eugene Starr for more information on this scholarship (  Due to high demand, in some of our elementary grades there is no guarantee that spots will remain available. 


In Person and Distance Learning


Livingstone is committed to providing in-person schooling and will pursue all avenues to provide that opportunity for our students. Governor Brown’s latest press conference and Marion County Covid-19 cases and test positivity numbers indicate the likelihood for distance learning to occur initially this school year.  We have noted that other area public and private schools have started saying that they will be doing distance or virtual learning until November or for the first three months of school.  LAA will be watching our state/county numbers and take every advantage under state Covid-19 metrics and guidelines to return our students quickly back into our classrooms.  In the event that Oregon and more specifically, Marion county schools will not be allowed to provide in-classroom learning, LAA will be prepared to move quickly to provide comprehensive distance learning to all of its students.   Last school year, LAA was able to quickly/efficiently make the transition to virtual learning without loss of instruction.




We realize the tremendous financial sacrifice our families are making for their children to attend LAA.   We also understand that no matter the effort, virtual learning may not be the same experience as in-person instruction. With the majority of tuition payments applied directly to teacher salaries, and most of the remaining balance applied to inflexible hard costs, the expenses for the school's operations are very similar with both models of instruction.   Therefore, we are unable to offer reduced tuition costs if we go to virtual learning at any time during the school year.  


While this letter does not include all changes, it should give a fairly good idea of the more significant changes to expect.   A more detailed description of LAA’s operational blueprint, and management plans shall be posted on our website soon for viewing and more information will be shared through parent emails and our school newsletter.  


While the world groans under the pressures of polarized politics, unrest, and world-wide pandemic, is there a more important time in our life’s history than now to provide a Christian school environment for our children and embrace and support our Christian schools?   In this hour, our children need to know Christ.  LAA will continue to offer loving, caring, personalized instruction to inspire our students to want to know Jesus and through a closer walk with Him, be better equipped to navigate this changing world and serve for Christ.


Isaiah 54:13  All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children.


2 Timothy 3:16-17  All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.


We look forward to working with your child this new school year and pray that each and every one of you remain healthy and that God remains by your side.




Mr. Personius

Principal, Livingstone Adventist Academy







Dear Livingstone Families,


I hope you all are staying healthy and having opportunity for some summer fun with your family.  I’m guessing that some of you may be wondering what next school year will look like at Livingstone.  Fairly recently, Oregon Department of Education along with Oregon Health Authority published a Ready Schools, Safe Learners Guidance for the 2020-21 school year.  Click here for link ​


In this guidance, three options were given to Oregon schools for next school year. 1. On-site learning (closest to traditional school learning).  2.  Hybrid learning (a combination of virtual and on-site learning) and 3.  Virtual learning (we all are familiar with what this one looks like).  If schools choose to pursue on-site or hybrid learning models, they must devise and implement a comprehensive plan called an Operational Blueprint for Reentry and have their local school board and Marion County Public Health Department review this plan and then submit it to Oregon department of Education.


The good news is that Livingstone is well poised to offer on-site learning because of the smaller than average number of students in each of our classrooms along with physically large classrooms that allow our students the ability to spread out and meet minimum requirements of square footage per student.  In following these guidelines, every step of the school day will be rethought in order to do our best that students remain healthy and safe.


Changes that parents can anticipate will occur for the coming school year will be things such as: •Temperature and general health screenings for every individual entering the school building.


•Social distancing throughout the day.

•Students bringing their own water bottles to drink out of. 

•Students remaining with their assigned class or grade level group whenever possible. 

•Reduced transitions within the building. 

•Frequent cleaning and disinfecting throughout the day.  

•Required handwashing before/after lunch and before/after each recess.

•Essential visitors only

• All visitors will be required to wear face covering. 


Many other details/requirements will be worked out in the coming weeks but suffice it to say that Livingstone will be planning to provide on-site learning for your children this fall and will follow guidelines set out for Oregon schools in order to keep your children healthy and learning in as close to traditional schooling as humanly possible.  We hope you have a wonderful summer and look forward to seeing your children back on campus this fall.




Mr. Personius,  

Principal of Livingstone Adventist Academy







Dear Livingstone Families,


While the 2019-20 school year has come to a close, you may have questions about what next school year may look like.  As you might suspect, there are still too many unknowns for us to make any definitive statements about that, but we want to share the preparations we are making based on what we can reasonably anticipate:


  1. First, we remain hopeful that we will open for in-person instruction, although there may be some restrictions and limitations.  It will never be our intent to restrict your child’s natural inclinations for human interaction and play, or enforce protective gear requirements on your child.

  2. Please be assured that we will always work to do what is best for our students, and we believe that includes being together for learning if it is reasonably safe and allowed.  We plan to utilize every opportunity to be with your child for their learning.

  3. We are preparing for different scenarios so that student learning throughout the school-year will be as seamless as possible.  Plans include preparation for several different manifestations of limited in-person instruction as well as remote learning, depending on what state and local authorities will allow. 

  4. We are exploring options for a hybrid model that blends both remote and in-person learning to accommodate those who may have compromised immune systems or live with someone who does. We are investing in technologies that will enable us to offer access and provide support as needed for your child’s success.


In all of this it is your child who matters most, and we want everything we do as a school and as individual educators to reflect that belief. We support each family’s commitment to make the best decisions for their own family members, while taking into consideration the needs and decisions of other members of the school community. It is our desire to maintain our campus as a safe haven, free of judgment.


As state and county guidelines become available, we will update you as to how they affect our plans for next year.  If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out.  It is our privilege to serve you and your child.




George Personius,

Principal, Livingstone Adventist Academy

Livingstone Adventist Academy








Dear Livingstone Families, 


As this school year winds down, we are faced with having to soon say goodbye to three individuals who have made such a positive difference and been so instrumental to Livingstone’s success. 
Kent O’Dell has been a very involved supporter of Livingstone for many years.  He has been a volunteer boys basketball coach, past elementary PE Teacher, past Athletic Director, volunteer Woods Shop instructor, regularly supervised open gym nights, helped on various LAA construction projects, and was an active LAA board and committee member.  His willingness to give of himself was a model for others.  Just recently, Mr. O’Dell moved to Ohio to work with his brother in construction.   If you wish to contact Mr. O’Dell to let him know how much he was appreciated he can still be reached at 
Debbie Nelson came to Salem from Northern California in the summer of 2018 with her husband Rick and their two boys, Isaac and Micah.  Learning that Debbie was a teacher and available, LAA called on her from time to time to work as a substitute teacher during the 2018-19 school year.  At the beginning of this school year, burgeoning numbers of students in Kindergarten and first grades, required a decision to look for a halftime pre-school teacher.  Mrs. Nelson answered the call.  With just a few days to prepare, Mrs. Nelson turned an empty classroom into a warm and inviting pre-school class.   Her love for teaching preschool and her past experience as a preschool director has made her invaluable to Livingstone.  Mrs. Nelson has accepted a first grade teaching position at Ukiah Junior Academy in Ukiah, California 
Rick Nelson has worked as our 7th and 8th grade teacher these last two years.  Rick and his family arrived at Livingstone the same time as our family and quickly felt a connection as he was coming with years of experience in teaching and educational administration.  Mr. Nelson made it his classroom priority to teach his students about Jesus.  He believed in giving his students balanced opportunities for exercise and outdoor learning experiences.  He built a thriving classroom with high expectations.  His students responded by making wonderful growth.  Mr. Nelson has accepted a teaching principal position at Ukiah Junior Academy, in Ukiah California. 



George Personius Principal,

Livingstone Adventist Academy







Dear Livingstone Families,


As you are aware, Governor Brown issued an order that recently extended school closures or inperson learning for the rest of the school year. We also heard from our Oregon Conference Assistant Superintendent last Friday indicating that all Oregon Conference schools would continue e-learning through the end of the school year, which for our LAA students is June 4.


I’m sure that we are all disappointed in the way things are going regarding Covid-19 and having to remain sheltered in our homes. On behalf of Livingstone Adventist School and its staff, I want to express to you our sincere appreciation for your continued support of Livingstone and Adventist Christian education through your child’s continued enrollment with us through this crisis. We realize the sacrifice you are making. I know this pandemic has been difficult on your children and certainly difficult on you as parents trying to juggle work, added financial worries, children being at home full-time and a need to increase supervision of your child’s schoolwork.


We just want you to know that we will continue working hard to create the best educational experience possible under the current conditions. We also will do our best to maintain a balance on keeping your child moving forward in their learning but remain mindful that we don’t overwhelm students or families in the process. Please let your child’s teacher know how we are doing in that respect.


Since we now know e-learning will continue until the end of the school year, if your household is struggling to establish a routine for your students at home, consider setting up a little school area for them that is as free from distractions as possible and where your child knows is their special place to be serious about school. Consider putting up a visual schedule for your kids of when their class(es) meet, and when they should be working on schoolwork. This will help your child get into a school mind-frame and help establish routines that should make things easier for everyone. Even for our high school students, distance learning is a new experience and no doubt, will need you to check in with them more frequently to ensure things are getting done properly and that they are staying on top of their work.


Our teachers and staff have set up contact times with each of their classes whereby your child can get individualized help if they need it. They have also increased communications and promptings with those students that we can see may need more attention or require closer monitoring. I’m sure this is not how any of us envisioned things would look like coming into this spring. The good news is that we are in the homestretch of the school year and hopefully our ability to get out and once again be with others is also just around the corner. If your child has school needs or your child needs extra attention, we are here for you. Our prayer is that God will put his wings of protection and comfort over you and your family during this difficult time.




George Personius Principal,

Livingstone Adventist Academy



“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler. You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday. A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you. Only with your eyes shall you look, and see the reward of the wicked. Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, even the Most High, your dwelling place, no evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling; for He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall [c]bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone.” (Psalms 91 1-12)







Dear Livingstone Families,


As many of you have heard through the news media, Governor Brown has extended Oregon School closures through April 28.  Oregon Conference Leaders have informed all Oregon SDA schools to follow this executive mandate in closing our schools.  Just know that your children and families are in our prayers as we find our way through these uncharted times. 


Despite instructions stopping for all Oregon public school students, I am happy to report that Livingstone Adventist Academy will continue with daily electronic or packet learning and will be moving toward offering even more to our Christ centered E-learning opportunities for our students.  Our Teachers are busy testing and becoming acquainted with new and innovative ways to reach and teach our students on-line to ensure our children continue to offer meaningful and relevant learning opportunities for our students.  It puts a smile on my face to hear of our resourceful high school student leaders beginning to lay future plans and brainstorm ways to hold electronic student get-togethers with their peers.


Your child’s teacher(s) will continue to be in contact with you or your middle-school, High School student to keep informed regarding specifics of virtual classroom meeting times, daily expectations, assignments and times they will be available to answer questions or offer additional instruction to your child.   Our teachers and administration will be working on getting revised e-learning schedules out to you and your students so that we can routine to a learning routine.


Despite the unusual learning path we are now on, we want to reassure you that your child’s educational needs are being looked after and LAA will continue to offer specially designed instruction to continue your child’s education.


Next week is our normally scheduled Spring Break, so there will be no school and the school office will also be closed.


When we return from Spring Break, Livingstone Adventist Academy’s revised office hours for e-learning will be 9:00-1:00 p.m. Monday-Friday.   We continue to stay in close collaboration with our colleagues across the conference to increase our effectiveness.


Again, please know that during these trying times, our prayers are with you and please remember that our almighty father has us in the palm of his hands.



Mr. Personius


“Don’t worry about anything, instead pray about everything.  Tell God your needs and thank him for all he has done.”  Philippians 4:6-7



Dear Livingstone Families,


In light of the latest announcement by Oregon Gov. Kate Brown ordering all K-12 schools included in the state are to close from Monday, March 16 through Tuesday, March 31.   Livingstone Adventist Academy along with all of our Oregon Conference Schools will follow this directive to close school.  


During this time of school closures we will go to electronic learning for our high school students and packet learning or electronic learning for our elementary/middle school students.  High School students will know to monitor their school emails for assignments.  We will be taking a break from e-learning for Spring Break (March 23-27).  E-learning will resume for Monday, March 30th and 31st.  We anticipate seeing our students back on campus on Wednesday, April 1.


For elementary student assignments next week, most teachers will be communicating with you by Monday through parent email (Mrs. Galvez has indicated that she will be using Facebook announcements), so please be mindful to routinely check your emails.  There may be a few elementary teachers who will be sending learning packets home today (Friday) for next week’s assignments.  Our elementary teachers will be given Monday to put together packets or design electronic lessons for lessons to begin on Tuesday.  Teachers will be available throughout next week to speak to (preferably by phone).


Our goal is to ensure our children, families, and communities are as safe as possible.  These are trying times and our prayers are with you and your families as you adjust to these changes.  We continue to be hopeful that no further interruptions to learning are necessary, and we are already looking forward to seeing you back at school on April 1.


We know that the many conversations regarding Corona virus in our communities may have caused some anxiety in our children.  Also, we know that children rely and do best when given a routine and that when we break routines it can cause stress and anxiety.  Therefore, included below are ways to help communicate and relieve possible anxiety for your child that you may find helpful.

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call and let us know.  We have the assurance that God is our anchor in times like these and that he will see us through difficult and changing times.  We pray that all of you will remain healthy and safe during this break and look forward to seeing you all back April 1st. 




Mr. Personius

Principal, Livingstone Adventist Academy





Dear Oregon Conference School Families and Staff,


With the number of confirmed COVID-19 coronavirus cases in Oregon increasing, Governor Brown announced new guidance last night regarding group gatherings and social distancing. This follows a recent similar statement given by Washington State Governor Jay Inslee.  We remain committed to keeping our schools open and safe. In accordance with these announcements and in order to minimize potential opportunities for the virus to spread, we have decided to proactively begin suspending events that bring large groups of students, adults, and community members together as well as canceling all field trips including our mission trips. This action is not related to a presumptive case. At this time, there are no presumptive cases in our schools.


Suspension of non-essential school-based activities begins immediately, effective Thursday, March 12, and will remain in effect for 30 days. This includes the suspension of all school-based assemblies and events, off-campus field trips, and professional development meetings and events. With regard to athletics, we are following new state guidance denying audience admission at all school-based events, with the exception of essential personnel and credentialed media. The list of affected activities will grow as we work with partners and stakeholders over the coming days. We will update you as we make those decisions. 


To be clear, we are taking every step possible so that we can continue to provide high-quality education for all of our students and keep our schools open.


We realize that this decision will impact every school community, and we know that many of the events, student performances, and other gatherings that we are suspending are those that schools, students, and families look forward to all year long. Suspending these events is consistent with guidance from health authorities, and we believe it is a prudent and responsible step to take at this time. We will be working with trip planners, event organizers, and others who are responsible for the affected activities. 


The safety, health, and well-being of our students and staff is our highest priority. We will continue to work in close partnership with public health authorities to minimize both the spread of coronavirus and disruption to schools and students. We will continue emphasizing the importance of handwashing at school. We will continue to prioritize the cleaning of high-touch surfaces in classrooms and common areas. And we are making sure schools have adequate cleaning supplies. 


Students, families, and everyone in our community can best support our efforts by washing hands frequently, covering mouths when coughing or sneezing, and using hand sanitizer. Those experiencing symptoms of the cold or flu should stay at home, only returning to school or work when symptom-free for 24 hours. If you are concerned about symptoms, please consult with a doctor.


Thank you for your cooperation and understanding during this difficult time.  We all collectively share the utmost concern for the health and safety of our students, employees, and communities.  Please know we all are in the hands of Jesus and it is reassuring to know that He in charge.


Gale Crosby

VP Education

Oregon Conference of SDA

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